PT. Perkasa Pilar Utama, a system integrator is one of the leading Information Technology consulting and software development company based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Founded in 1996, our business philosophy and commitment is to assure the highest quality technical solutions, consulting services, total customers satisfaction, realistic timely delivery of solution and pricing structure, a consistently high standard of customer service, flexible approach to design and technology by using the latest technology (mobile, web, big data, analytics, and low code platform).
Outsystems Developer
Objective : Pembuatan aplikasi berisi:
Analisa perusahaan & Fitur yang dibutuhkan
Membuat Aplikasi Booking Hotel
Pitch Aplikasi
Faktor Penilaian Performa
Poin-poin yang diperhitungkan dalam pengerjaan proyek:
#OnTime - Mengumpulkan Hasil Project Tepat waktu (Lebih Cepat)
#Coaching - Mengikuti kegiatan bi-weekly Coaching setiap Jumat
#Quality - Project yang dikerjakan memenuhi standar kualitas GOVOKASi
#Participation - Keaktifan bertanya kepada para coaches.
#Presentation - presentasi maksimal 5 slide (design dapat menggunakan canva)