Putra Jasa Patent stood since 1981. Hailed as a leading partner in providing consultancy and advisory services in the field of law. Putra Jasa Patent is also a registered agent in accordance with the present letter answer your solutions and is committed to helping all the problems related to the field of law from handling applications exclusive intellectual property rights, maintenance of legality permit companies in the field of general and special, tax consulting and maintenance services legal assistance both civil and criminal.
The advantages that you get by using the services of the Putra Jasa Patent are :
Putra Jasa Patent is experienced and resolve a variety of issues in the legal field since 1981.
Putra Jasa Patent has qualified and skilled professionals are graduates of the best in its field that has been selected strictly.
Putra Jasa Patent is a registered consulting services in accordance with the License Menkumham Consultant Registered Trademark No. 202-2006 and Registered Tax Consultant No. SI-782 / PJ / 2003
Project : Social Media Marketing
Objective :
Pitch deck:
Analisa trend (menentukan platform yang tepat)
Membuat 3 contoh konten
Campaign Digital marketing program untuk meningkatkan awareness
Faktor Penilaian Performa
Poin-poin yang diperhitungkan dalam pengerjaan proyek:
#OnTime - Mengumpulkan Hasil Project Tepat waktu (Lebih Cepat)
#Coaching - Mengikuti kegiatan bi-weekly Coaching setiap Jumat
#Quality - Project yang dikerjakan memenuhi standar kualitas GOVOKASi
#Participation - Keaktifan bertanya kepada para coaches.
#Presentation - presentasi maksimal 5 slide (design dapat menggunakan canva)